Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I was going to throw up rewritten Elvis lyrics here, but eh lazy.

Stefano says Katharine is obsessed with Maddie's death. Kate feels bad for Chad and Stefano thinks it's tragic, but they barely know him and Maddie dying removes the threat.

Chad wants to talk to Mrs. Dimera. His facial hair is making him look older. And dirtier. I'm waiting for him to angst so much that he ends up driving off on a motorcycle.

Hernandez family meeting.

Chloe shows up at Maggie's. Melanie leaves Philip and Chloe alone to "talk" about the fight she and Daniel had.

Chloe would have come clean if it weren't for her protecting Philip? Oh writers, I don't believe that's the case. Excuse me if I'm a little suspicious.

Kate thinks Chad is an innocent young man, and Stefano doesn't feel any compassion for Chad, therefore CLEARLY he is Chad's father. Right? I toyed with the idea of him being Tony's, but IDK IDK. I'm sure he's Stefano's babby.

OOH, Stefano just talked of obliterating enemies. Is Kate too soft to be a Dimera?

The Hernandez kids are going to talk about EJ.

Brady stalks Nicole and shows up at her place. With a plant. If this were Veronica Mars, I'd be convinced there's a bug. Nicole offers Brady a soda, but I don't know where she's going to get it. I think she just walked into the bathroom, but who knows. Salem room and board is dubious.

Remember a few weeks ago when Philip almost came clean with Melanie, and Chloe shrieked and convinced him not to do it? The roles are reversed now, and I'm close to hanging myself because I'm pretty sure all these conversations are interchangeable, because they're ALL THE SAME.

While I eat lunch, Chad confronts Kate asking about his mother. Stefano seems to be giving Will a job. Brady tries to read Nicole's diary.

Ari explains her attachment to E.J. to Rafael. While he was away, Elvis was the only one who stood by her the whole time, blah blah blah. She thinks he's complicated and trying to do better, and Rafe admits that maybe she's right. Oh, Rafe. All your womens are flocking to Elvis.

Brady wants to "help" Nicole find a nicer living situation, but Nicole is adamant about being independent. Good for her. Brady, stop looking for situations where you have to save her lol.

Chloe compliments Daniel on being a good dad to Melanie, and she thinks Melanie is great. Clappy hands for Chloe!

Kate wants Chad to remember that Maddie loved him and wanted the best. Chad: "BUT STILL!" Kate tells him that worrying about her past in his grief is beside the point.

Oh, I better get my obligatory "Poor Chad! :'(" in here somewhere.

Brady pries into Nicole's business a little bit, the usual. They make a lunch date instead.

Arianna leaves, and she's glad that they could talk. "Benefit of the doubt? AS IF!" LOL RAFE.

Daniel buys Mel earrings for graduating nursing school (already?!) and Melanie tries to talk about him and Chloe some more.

Kate thinks Chad has a lot of courage, and Chad wants to have these kinds of talks with Kate now. So Stefano is grooming Will and Kate is taking Chad under her majestic blue-streaked Adam Lambert wing (LOL Lauren Koslow is legend). Let's get this rivalry-turned-friendship-turned-romance-(if only in my head)-turned-rivalry-turned-epic-love-story moving!!! I hope at some point Chad gets a motorcycle and a leather jacket. Will can get some fancy car from Stefano. Or an airplane.

He's about to leave and opens the door. Stefano is shocked to see him. If he were anyone BUT Stefano, he'd be doing an awkward nervous laugh.

Philip sits on a bench at what could either be the pier or the park, they're pretty much the same anyway. He imagines what would happen if he tells Melanie the truth. "YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND! I THOUGHT YOU WERE IN LOVE WITH NATHAN!" "YOU RUINED MY LIFE! YOU RUINED MY DAD'S LIFE!" "MELANIE I LOVE YOU!" "WE'RE DONE! *SLAAAAP!*" LMAO, I LOVE THIS SHOW.

AAAHAHAHA. Carly schedules Chloe's paternity test across town at St. Mary's for tomorrow and WHAT DO YOU KNOW, Daniel is asked to do a skingraft surgery tomorrow across town AT ST. MARY'S! OH, AND HE INVITES MELANIE ALONG TO OBSERVE!!! It's a Jonas family outing. How quaint.

Rafe apparently has found something on Nicole. I'd bet it's not exactly what we know.

No Carver family, no Hope's pjs.

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